Get In touch with us
Love Photography? Want to help out during the festival? Volunteer today! Write to us on the email id below.
FOCUS Photography Festival
– Catalyse new relationships between emerging photographers in need of professional guidance and mentors
– Facilitate creative and skills-based learning opportunities
– Provide an important platform for young people to experiment and express themselves through photography
– Provide teachers will tools and resources to teach their students after the festival
– Encourage peer-led learning with students
– Encourage the public and students to consider photography as an art form
– Young photographers
– Individuals from all socio-economic backgrounds
– Students
– Family groups
– Free Events: The festival presents a series of guided tours, artist talks, outdoor slideshows, bilingual digital and analogue photography workshops, film screenings, portfolio reviews and mentor sessions
– FOCUS on Learning exhibitions: A range of exhibitions featuring work by students and young people around the city. Led and curated by education specialists, this programme is presented in collaboration with local schools and colleges.