Get In touch with us
Love Photography? Want to help out during the festival? Volunteer today! Write to us on the email id below.
FOCUS Photography Festival
Drop in to pick up a festival guide, sign up for portfolio reviews, attend a talk or sit and read a magazine from the exclusive Paper Planes display.
Ministry of New is a design-inspired collaborative workspace for independent professionals looking to be part of an international creative community. As the FOCUS hub, they welcome visitors into their space to find out more information about exhibits, events, or to take part in a portfolio review session. They are encouraging visitors to arrive early and spend a day working out of this professional oasis, with a free day pass! Simply register on the link, drop in with your laptop, and enjoy inspiring views, a diverse community and the best wifi in town.
Register for a free day here. •
Open Monday – Friday 9am – 9pm; Saturday 10am – 4pm; Sunday,